Inspection Services

Jakarta Maritime Consultants provide various types of inspection services. An extensive summary is provided at the completion of each visit. The report includes Class records, relevant plans and high-resolution photographs plus any items that the Client specifically required.

The Inspection Report offers a good appraisal and assessment of the general condition of the vessel and operations. It also provides estimates for the budgets for the necessary repairs of Hull, Deck and Machinery System and Equipment. Banks, Financial Institutions, Investors and Ship Owners had found our Report an indispensable tool.

Pre Purchase Inspection
The inspection of vessels can be carried out prior to loading at any global location. We have an extensive global network of competent and experienced Inspectors ready at your service.
This comprehensive inspection will provide vital information for the Buyer to evaluate and to make balanced decisions regarding the intended purchase.

S a l e & P u r c h a s e  S e r v i c e s
We provide assistance in the sale and purchase of vessels by giving an independent view of the condition of the vessel(s). As part of the evaluation process, detail examination of Class Records, Status, Memoranda, Statutory Certificates and Surveys etc. Maintenance records, dry-docking records, major and significant overhauls and repairs, thickness measurements where applicable, will also be scrutinized

C o n d i t i o n  S u r v e y s
This is a superficial inspections while the vessel is afloat with limited or no opening up. The object is to obtain insights on various aspects on corrosion protection, cargo systems, deck and navigational equipment, accommodation, machinery systems and maintenance, logbooks records, information on trade, performance reports, loading / discharging rates, out-turn discrepancies, safety equipment and safety consciousness, records ad status related to classification and marine administrations etc.

On completion of inspection, an extensive summary is prepared and forwarded electronically for the prompt attention to the client. The report includes class records, relevant plans and photographs as well. Any client specific requirements can be incorporated into our standard report format and fully addressed by our inspector.